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F R E Q U E N T L Y  A S K E D  


Q: Why would I want to join?

alpha Kappa Delta Phi means something slightly different to each of us, but as a multifaceted organization composed of diverse individuals, this should be no surprise. We always strive to remain active in our sisterhood, service, and social events. With 55 chapters across North America, alpha Kappa Delta Phi is the largest Asian American interest sorority, providing a network that spans from coast to coast, connected by common goals, experiences, and traditions. We support our sister chapters at their events as they support us. Besides the vast sisterhood between thousands of other sisters at other schools, the relationship we have with each other within our own chapter is held most dear to our hearts. We invite you to see if it's something you'd also like to be part of.

Q: What is recruitment/rush?

Recruitment, also known as Rush, is a period that lasts 1 to 2 weeks in which students can learn more about Greek life. Activities and events are organized within each fraternity/sorority and are open for all students to come have fun and meet the members. It is during this time that students get a taste of Greek life and decide if it is something they would like to pursue.

Q: Do I have to join the sorority if I attend recruitment/rush?

No, participating in Recruitment does not mean you are obligated to join. It is simply a time for you to explore your interest in alpha Kappa Delta Phi and determine if membership is something you would like to pursue.

Q: What are the benefits of joining alpha Kappa Delta Phi?

Being a member of our sorority offers many benefits. Greek organizations can enhance your undergraduate experience by:

  • expanding your social and professional network,

  • allowing you to experience personal growth in dealing with a diverse group of women,

  • offering you a chance to challenge yourself in leadership roles,

  • creating lifelong friendships through sisterhood bonding,

  • and much more!

Q: Do I have to be Asian to join?

No. As an organization that seeks to promote cultural awareness, we hold the concept of equality in the highest regard. alpha Kappa Delta Phi does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, age, national origin, or sexual orientation. We are an all-inclusive sorority. Any woman who shares similar interests and values is encouraged to join regardless of their own cultural identity. alpha Kappa Delta Phi is composed of the diverse backgrounds and lifestyles of each individual sister.

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